Records, 1799-1801.


Records, 1799-1801.

Two record books of custom inspectors, one each kept by Samuel Scudder and Jabez Halsey (1799-1801). Records inward cargo at the Port of New York including name of ship, master, port of embarkation, quantity and description of cargo, marks, and to whom delivered.

2 v. (69 p. total)


SNAC Resource ID: 7769822

Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

Halsey, Jabez. (person)

Scudder, Samuel. (person)

Alexander Hamilton United States Custom House (New York, N.Y.) (corporateBody)

The New York Custom House was established in 1799 by the United States government to regulate New York port and harbor activities. Custom houses raised revenues and controlled shipping, placed duties on imports, prevented smuggling and enforced the laws regulating exports and imports. Fifteen years later the New York Custom House was destroyed by fire and the Custom House was moved to Federal Hall. During the years 1832-1842, a new custom house was built on William and Pine Streets. In 1862 the ...